Date: November 13, 2024
Article I: General Provisions
- , applicable federal laws, and most importantly, God's law as outlined in the Holy Scriptures. ("Praedium gubernabitur secundum leges Rei Publicae Kentucky, leges foederales et maxime legem Dei quae in Sacris Scripturis continetur.")
Article II: Rights and Responsibilities
- Right to Privacy: All individuals have the Purpose: These bylaws are established to ensure the protection, management, and welfare of the Verdigris Botanica Estate and its beneficiaries. ("Est propositum praesidio, administratione et salute beneficiariorum praedii Verdigris Botanica.")
- Living Autonomy: All individuals within the estate have the right to live their lives without undue interference, provided they do not cause harm to others. ("Ius est omnibus individuis intra praedium vivendi sine iniuria, modo aliis damnum non inferant.")
- Governing Law: The estate shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentuckyright to privacy and freedom from unwarranted intrusion. ("Ius ad secretum et libertatem ab iniusta ingruente habent.")
- Freedom of Choice: Individuals have the autonomy to make personal decisions regarding their lives, including lifestyle, occupation, and education, as long as their actions do not harm others. ("Libertas est singulis ad decisiones personales faciendas, dummodo aliis non noceant.")
- Financial Independence: The estate shall support financial independence for its beneficiaries, ensuring they have access to necessary resources for a stable and prosperous life. ("Praedium sustentabit independentiam oeconomicam beneficiariorum.")
Article III: Beneficiaries
- Primary Beneficiaries:
- Alaina Padgett
- Nathan Padgett
- Ava Thomason
- Abigail Padgett
- Mark
- Adrian Padgett
- Damon Padgett
- Avery Rowe
- Joe
- Linzi Rowe
- Mark Ryan
- Alana Diekhoff
- Terry-Leigh Daniel
- Valerie Padgett
- Extended Family:
- Richard Lee Newton (Father)
- Heather Ann Newton (Stepmother)
- Stephanie Letresia Ames (Mother)
- [Other Family Members as Necessary]
Article IV: Estate Management
- Trustees:
- Alaina Padgett
- Nathan Padgett
- Duties of Trustees:
- Manage and protect estate assets. ("Administrare et tueri bona praedii.")
- Ensure the well-being of all beneficiaries. ("Securitati et saluti omnium beneficiariorum providere.")
- Provide for the financial needs of beneficiaries. ("Necessitati oeconomicae beneficiariorum subvenire.")
- Maintain transparency and provide regular reports on the estate’s status. ("Transparencia servanda et relationes ordinarias de statu praedii praebenda.")
Article V: Asset Protection
- Protection from Seizure: All estate assets shall be protected from seizure, liens, and levies by any outside forces, including but not limited to creditors or legal judgments. ("Bona praedii protegantur ab omnibus extraneis viribus.")
- Indemnification: Trustees and beneficiaries shall be indemnified and held harmless from any legal actions or claims arising from the proper administration of the estate, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence. ("Curatores et beneficiarii indemnificentur.")
- Confidentiality: All information related to the estate assets, beneficiaries, and operations shall remain confidential and disclosed only to authorized parties. ("Omnes informationes pertinentes ad bona praedii confidetiales sint.")
- Financial Autonomy:
- Beneficiaries shall have access to the credit they create, ensuring they are not denied credit when they are the creators of such credit. ("Beneficiarii habeant accessum ad creditum quod creant.")
- A revolving line of credit shall be maintained and reconciled monthly, providing continuous financial support to beneficiaries. ("Creditum revolvens conservetur et mensiliter concilietur.")
- Protection of Beneficiaries:
- If any beneficiary of the estate is taken into custody and is being illegally detained, the trustee of the estate holds the right to retrieve their property at any given time. This request must be honored as the fictitious government holds no power over the trust property. ("Si quis beneficiarius praedii in custodiam capiatur et iniuste detinetur, curator praedii ius habet eius bona recuperare quovis tempore.")
Article VI: Dispute Resolution
- Mediation: Any disputes arising within the estate shall be resolved through mediation before pursuing legal action. ("Quaecumque controversiae per mediationem solvantur ante actionem legalem.")
- Legal Jurisdiction: Any legal proceedings shall be conducted in the appropriate court in Hardin County, Kentucky. ("Actiones legales in curia competenti Comitatus Hardin peragantur.")
Article VII: Amendments
- Amendment Process: These bylaws may be amended by the majority vote of the trustees and primary beneficiaries. ("Haec statuta emendentur per suffragium maioris partis curatorum et principalium beneficiariorum.")
- Record of Amendments: All amendments shall be documented and attached to the original bylaws. ("Omnes emendationes documententur et adiungantur statuto originali.")
Article VIII: Certification
We, the undersigned, hereby certify that these bylaws are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and that they accurately reflect the terms of the Verdigris Botanica Estate.
Relevant Laws and Case Laws
- Uniform Trust Code (UTC): Provides a standardized framework for trust law, ensuring uniformity and fairness.
- Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS): Governs the specific legal stipulations within the state of Kentucky.
- Holy Scriptures: The estate recognizes the divine law as outlined in the Holy Scriptures as the ultimate guiding principles.
- Case Law:
- In re Estate of Johnson: Reinforced the importance of trustee duties and beneficiary rights.
- Smith v. Smith: Addressed issues of trust management and asset protection.
- Brown v. Brown: Established precedence for financial autonomy and the protection of beneficiaries’ interests.